YB foundation is committed to preserving and making cultural information accessible through music and dance. We organize Twaje Soiree and Twaje fest

If you have a child of school-going age, you can enroll them in the Twaje program to provide them with a unique and holistic learning experience. Through the program, your child will develop essential skills such as critical thinking, communication, and collaboration, which are essential for success in the modern world. At the same time, they will also learn about Rwanda's cultural heritage and how to integrate it into their future careers.

If you represent an organization, you can partner with the Twaje program to support its goals. Partnerships may involve providing financial support, contributing expertise and resources, or collaborating on joint initiatives.

If you represent an organization, you can partner with the Twaje program to support its goals. Partnerships may involve providing financial support, contributing expertise and resources, or collaborating on joint initiatives.